Who Should Hire a BRM® Pro?

- An individual who is pregnant and wanting to prepare their body for birth.

- Somebody who has had previously difficult birth experiences and desires to be more proactive and find more support for their next pregnancy and birth.

- An individual who is pregnant and worried about their core, diastasis recti, pelvic floor function, or other body issues.

- Anybody who is pregnant and looking for a more holistic way to remain strong, functional and resilient through the entire journey.

- Those who value function over fitness. BRM® is so much more than modified-for-pregnancy exercise and we value function over appearance.

Using the law of specificity, BRM® trains the body specifically for the task at hand: pregnancy, birth, and recovery. Pregnancy and birth are immense physiological processes that, ideally, should be specifically supported rather than simply modifying one’s regular routine. BRM® uses a 5 pillar method to help the pregnant and birthing body achieve balanced strength and mobility in order to not only minimize aches, pains, and dysfunction, but to also support a more efficient birthing process. When the body has been specifically supported for the task of pregnancy and birth, the body is primed for an easier and smoother transition into postpartum and for recovery.